Life insurance
    backed by Bitcoin

    What will the payout of your conventional life insurance policy be worth in 20-30 or 40 years time with inflation eroding future purchasing power?

    Supplement your financial plan with a Bitcoin based life insurance program. Check out who offers our Bitcoin for LifeTM program here.

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  • Cancer Cover
    secured by smart contract

    Cancer affects 1:5 adults.

    Activate a smart contract that provides a financial safety net in the event you get diagnosed with cancer. (Receive up to $5,000,000 in USDC).


    Check out who offers our Cancer Cover program here.

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  • Membership NFT Plans

    Bundled insurance programs for maximum flexibility.

    Purchase an membership plan from one of our growing network of channel partners (or affiliates) and get exceptional insurance coverage and rewards benefits.


    Each membership is minted as an NFT.

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    Get your Certificate of Insurance verified.

    Still relying on a PDF or a screen shot of your customer or vendor's Certificate of Insurance?

    Contact us for more information about our Proof of Cover platform.
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